Sunday, September 11, 2011


Is it DEATH…?
It’s all dark, darker than the nights, creepy as the darkest nights of a horror movie… No beetles with their familiar chorus… No sky I see with the dots of lights… I don’t know where on Earth I am?
A spark of short circuit ran my neurons to hit the nerves of my brain. I pinched myself…
I could figure out the joy that reflexed with my soft scream….
“Yeah…! I’m alive…!!”
The next moment I could feel the wrinkles drawing tension on my forehead, all meeting with the same question that’s echoing in my brain as my scream echoed in the darkness of the no-where where I discovered me…
“Where am I?”
It was just like the brain storming creative desk, with the tension clayed faces of the young creative, all mum and pretending all busy with the subject finding a way of solution. I could feel the movement of my lips although I couldn’t see me smiling…All dark it is…
“Am I in the Black Hole?”
Some among my wrinkles liked the joke and relieved their hold over my forehead, some yet couldn’t let go the situation and remained in the job they were assigned. What I do, when I needed ideas to roll on the creative desk…
That all of us do without a purpose and mostly without a result, in our terms which we refer to as Productive Outcome…than what I usually do?
“Got it…Yeah…! May that’s the way… E..U..R..E..KA…”
Felt like screaming aloud as Archimedes did on his invention. I closed my eyes, even though there was nothing to distract my concentration, all dark, both inside and outside my vision. A deep breathe in than breath out. And all my instincts became pro active as if I have ordered them all to act on after my deep exhale.
My senses could feel my breath whirling around, the reflections my geometric nerves calculated even quicker than any mathematics prodigy; I might be stuck in a deep dark well. I tried to recollect my memories, was there any such well on my routine path. The traces of memories were zooming in my dark moments, amazing experience, it was like a movie premiere and with the remote mind I’m switching between the scenes.
“Bye Dear…!”
“Try to come soon…”
My son screaming from his mother’s tight hug, trying to throw himself and jump to my lap…tears rolling his face…all he could pronounce is “Dita Othice…( Dad Office)”…My emotions wet my eye lashes, further moved my steps.
I see no well on my short cuts to office. Neither have I remembered seeing one on any other ways. I scrolled every bit of memory yet failed to recall any incident that could relate me being in this dark well.
“Did I face with an accident?”
My hands rolled down me, no wounds or pain I felt to console my query.
It’s been how long I’ve been standing in the dark, thinking of the pros and cons of being in such a weird unknown horizon. The pain felt in my lower back forced me search a place to lean on. My steps crawled slowly, yet steadily.
My steps fumbled in the darkness, but never stopped. All I need is a place, to rest my over weighted waist, burdened with another new worry.
I stumped over something and grounded with my face tasting the feast of sweat mixed damp soil. I was drenched in the rain of sweat with thunders growling deep inside.
After a long time I screamed aloud in the dark tunnel, in midst of nowhere. The echoes made my heart beat faster with the fear of welcoming another unknown situation. My hands landed into something but couldn’t hold due to the size bigger than my hold. My palms drew the figure, my fingers painted the ups and downs and my mind counted the imaginations to a staircase leading to somewhere unknown again. I jumped on my feet with my quickest ever lift and lead myself towards the unknown staircase. There was no pain in realization. I made my steps follow the orders of optimism and started climbing the stoned ladder.
The hereditary instincts from my ancestors made me aware of checking the way I’m moving forward. Prevention is better than cure, my aware gorilla instinct warned, my back bent with my hands flying to feel the way where my steps will be secure to withhold any fore coming fall. Sweat tickled my sensitivity and my palms tried to sprinkle the seeds of tiredness rubbing the wrinkles from my forehead by the side of the same path.
“What is this feel? Why I’m not able to move my body? Why I’m feeling as if someone’s pulling me down to the well again….”
A cluster of queries romped into my mind all of a sudden when I felt my limbs were flying without being able to place my feet on the steps my hands have confirmed to exist.
I looked back, all dark, as it was. I stopped my breath to feel if I could figure out anybody else’s existence. My heart throbbing faster than before, couldn’t hear anything in the noise of my feared heart. I tried to pull my step towards its destination.
Succeeding after a series of force moved my steps with the quick judgments of my hands directing the invisible path. I again started moving, my mind said it is just my imagination or suspicion shaped in among the darkness of the unknown dark well.
It’s happening again, my steps were again pulled back with force bigger than the one before. I tried to hold the ladder, the pulling forces turned stronger to my hold and my palms screeched, the brakes of my nails slipping over the roughness of the rock ladder.
: Jab Life ho out of control… siti bazaake bol…All is Well…!
Out of no-where I saw my mobile blinking with its ring tone lighting my pocket. Its flashes hurt my vision. It was like lightening to my eyes after so long exposure to darkness. I closed my eyes, darkened the sight and tried to adjust the switches to accustom with the bright exposure.
I opened my eyes…the blinking light flashed on the faces that hold my steps... I tried to concentrate on the unknown structure… couldn’t be sure with the shadowy definitions collected by my eyes. Holding on the stairs, I stretched my hand inside my pocket when I felt the transient pull…and I was falling down as a toy being dropped by my son from our first floor balcony…I let go off my mobile to close my eyes, to prevent seeing the accidental fall…Suddenly I remembered, I can see better now, since the light is un-covered and I can see the object pulling me down the well again or you may say, who don’t wish me climb out of the dark well. I bent my head and directed my sight…
My mobile flew through air with its rhythmic blink, glowing its path of fall, followed by me. My sight followed the waves of light and astonished. How on earth I fell inside this well full of crabs…? It was crabs all over the floor; my eyes got directed towards the pulling force acting on my feet, it was the claws of the crabs…I tried to console my heart, lifted my hand, placed in on my chest, patted and pronounced…. “All is well, all is well…!”
When I woke up, it was all lightened. I bent my head; my son is still deep in his sleep, his hand wrapped around his mother’s waist and his legs resting on her thighs. I recalled the experience, it was weird. I lifted my legs to find if any signs exist to prove the whole incident, being real.
No signs… I sighed…it was a dream, a horrible dream. I closed my eyes again; I have time till the morning alarm rings to remind the office timings. I went closer to my wife, placed a kiss on her fore head and stretched my hand to hold her closer. The shadow seemed to be the night mare …the crab claws…I closed my eyes and pushed myself near…more near to her….
“Sir, boss is calling for you.”
The peon conveyed me the news. My heart started throbbing with another optimistic feel, the long awaited good news. It’s a long wait indeed, years of hard work and multi tasking. I moved my steps in a hurry, more I moved my steps faster turned my heart beats.
“May I come in, Sir?”
“Come, Sit!”
Boss ordered, without benting his sight, buried reading in something on the computer screen. I pulled the chair, and silently rested my back.
“Is there anything important, Sir?”
“Well, Kuber, you’ve been working very hard and I really appreciate your creativity, and so does everybody.”
My heart beats went faster with every spell my boss uttered. This man I respect a lot, very motivational, he will pour in dreams and make you work worth it. I use to tell my wife, my boss is more of a friend than a boss, he inspires rather than being bossy. My eyes stuck at the movements of his lips.
“ Kuber, I’ve forwarded your name for the reward of your work but there’s a small problem, the company says they have no such policies as of now…Don’t lose hope, there’s always a tomorrow, who knows there’s a better tomorrow waiting for you…”
A deep breath and I pulled my hand towards my chest…. “All is well, all is well”
My heart sank…yah a reward of good work is some more hopes to tame for some more time. I closed my eyes, flew down the well I dreamt last night…I could see the claws of the crabs distinctly… my eyes were closed and darkness prevailed inside….I tried to open my eyes to see if it was dark inside my boss’s cabin…
I opened my eyes, it was a bright sunny day.


  1. In essence, that horrible dream is the reality we live in, we deal with on a day-to-day, case-to-case basis. The "crab claws," which I call "jaws"--are everywhere. They will not only hold you back, they will grab whatever you have made for yourself shedding your perspiration.

    Crabs always believe in hijacking rather than working, and the workers who actually work, like yourself, are awarded with frustration.

    Even though a simple piece, you have adequately outlined the situation, putting emphasis on the frustration, but how many more times we can confidently chant, "All is well, all is well," every time we deal with the crabs??

  2. My chest was constricting as you descibed some of the awful things you were going through, albeit a dream! It has happened to us all, you know... and the sinking feeling of not being rewarded, or even recognised, after all the hard work, sleepless nights, that have been put in... are all too familiar to me. But then we live in hope. We tell ouselves Aaall izz well. And live to fight through another day...

  3. Thanks a lot Ma'am. All need to be well when Love & blessings are there.

  4. It was a nice read Dhruba,very well crafted indeed!!!
